Structure (Document A)

Thickness of Walls (Table 3) The walls are 225mm thick consisting of:

Headroom (Diagram 8) This is 2.55m (0.15m -> 2.7m)

Size ratio (Diagram 1) Building height is 3m width is 2m

Height of wall (diagram 8) Wall height is 3.1m (-0.1m -> 3m)

Disability (Document M)

External stepped approach (1.8) The step from ground level to top of memorial base is 0.15m

Turning circle An unobstructed circle (diameter=1.5m) is provided across memorial


Foundations These should be piles to minimise damage to tree roots, top of foundations is assumed to be bottom of base slab (-0.1m)

Ramp If required any ramp will have a maximum length of 1.8m, 1:12

GDPR Any comemoration should not mention names, I suggest dates only. Carving these into internal cosmetic facing allows for additions to be made


Climbing The upper surface of the roof should be treated with anti-cimb paint. The minimum height of this surface, 2m bove ground level, should reduce potential for ccidental damage

Graffiti I suggest that this be ignored, it demonstrates how highly the dead are regarded